or not. Not yet anyhow, although last week's run was ridiculous. 7 miles peeps. I have no idea how I'm going to do 9 this weekend. The temps are bitter, but I can't imagine spending more than an hour and a half on the treadmill at the gym without someone kicking me off. (More on the gym in a bit) So outdoors I'll go, I've got a rough map in my mind that loops back past the house in case I need to hit up the ladies room, I just need to get the motivation to go.
Now for my confession, I've been slacking. Big time on this training thing. Last week I missed a 4 mile run and this week I'm going to as well. The bitter cold wasn't very motivating at getting me out and about. To combat this, I joined a gym by work. One that will let me join for just a couple of months until the weather gets nicer and I've got this half under my belt. With the below freezing wind chills I just couldn't do it anymore. I did 4 miles on the treadmill yesterday and it was WONDERFUL, absolutely 110% worth the money to join. I've definitely overcome my silly fear of treadmills, thanks Erin!! My game plan is to run on Tuesday and Thursday after work, no more excuses of chilly weather. I find myself looking forward to all of my training except for my long run each week. I know it's a mental block, but don't really know how to move past it. I need to come up with a reward or something I think, because "You have to be able to run for 13.1 miles" isn't motivating me at this point...
Last week's outdoor running stats...
4 miles in 42 minutes
7 miles in 1 hour 18 minutes
I'm starting to really push myself on the "short" runs and allowing myself to just get through the long runs where I'm averaging around 12 minute miles, which, as long as I complete the run is fine by me at this point!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
And then my legs fell off...
Posted by
8:54 AM
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday Re-cap
0 commentsIt was a tough week in the world of running. I found myself dragging my feet more than I have in the past weeks to go out on my required runs. Maybe it's because I'm getting sick of running close to the same routes. But, I love the convenience of running out and back and ending up at home. Instead of driving somewhere, running, then driving back home. I'm all about convenience. I did miss one of my cross training days this week, but in the grand scheme of it all, I think I'll be okay.
I ended up moving my "long" run to yesterday, due to a planned evening trip to Brew Ha Ha. I figured running 6 miles while hungover today would not be a good plan. Yesterday's stats, 6 miles in 1 hour and 10 minutes and a handful of seconds. (I forgot to write them down)Just a teensy bit short of the solid 12 minute miles I've actually been running. As much as I wish my Nike+ had been accurate with the 10 minute miles, it wasn't. Le sigh. So I'm working on coming terms with the 12 minute miles, and trying to remain focused, I mean, if I can run 13.1 miles in a row at a 12 minute pace at least I'm finishing it, right? :)
Today's run cheered my up on multiple levels. I was having a crabby pants type of morning and getting out and hitting the almost clear pavement felt great. Needless to say I'm in a much happier mood now. I also shaved some time off my 3.5 mile time. Not much, but with the 12 min. miles I'd been doing I was averaging 42 minutes to finish that distance. I'm definitely going to run with a hangover more often because I finished today in 37 minutes and 33 seconds!!! Whoo hooo! I just kept my booty moving and forced myself to kick it in gear. I'm really happy with the time. That's all I've got for now. Off to reward myself with some cookie dough! :)
Posted by
1:15 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
"I've got 5 on it..."
0 commentsSo today I ran 5 miles...
The good news...
My legs did not fall off like I worried they would.
The bad news...
Now I want to eat everything in sight. :)
Posted by
11:01 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Mapping of a Run
1 commentsSo, Nike+, you're not as accurate as I wished you to be. No worries, you're still a good time, but I've come to rely on another handy tool for "mileage accuracy" on this crazy endeavor, MapMyRun.com. Love it. Although, when I was mapping out tomorrow's 5 miler, I realized just how far 5 miles really is. It's LONG. And my long Sunday runs are only going to get longer from here on out. How the heck am I going to find a route for 12 miles? One that includes places for a quick potty breaks, etc...I'm sure it'll all work out somehow. Wish me luck on my 5 tomorrow. :)
Posted by
4:44 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010
1 commentsSo, never really being a "runner" or walking the sidewalks of GR frequently in the winter before, I never realized what a royal P.I.T.A. it is when sidewalks don't get shoveled. Don't get me wrong, I understand people have to work and can't get to it right away, but man. Running hills is KILLER in snow, even with the amazingly talented screw shoes. My legs are like spaghetti and I'm spent after today's run, I even gave in a couple of times and hit the street to give myself a break. So, the PSA...please, pretty please shovel your sidewalks, the runners in your neighborhood will thank you. :)
On a somewhat unrelated note...they posted pics of what our "bling" from crossing the finish line in Dallas is going to look like...
I'm impressed, though not quite sure what I'll do with it yet...I'm sure it would dress up my everyday work wear, don't you think? ;)
Posted by
2:47 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Let's get this party started...
1 commentsTwo weeks ago, week one of training, I ran 6 total miles, it wasn't as many as I was supposed to do, but with the holidays, I was happy to get even that many in. I also got a couple of days on the elliptical in to boot. It was a good week. This past week I did 10, which was MUCH better in terms of staying on training plan track. Today I ventured out on my long run in the chilly, chilly cold, did I mention is was freezing? There were many points where the wind just seemed to be mocking me. "Hey you silly lady, try running up this hill, not only is it a hill...but I will also huff and puff and make it impossible for you to climb it!" And so on and so forth for the miles. But I did it, and got my "long" run in today for a total of 4 miles.
Over the past week I did 3 miles, two separate times, around 29 min the first time and 27 min the second time. My secret? Running downhill, it definitely helps to shave those minutes off your time. ;) Today's 4 miler clocked in at 40 minutes. There were hills involved and wind, and cold. But it's done, and in the books, and tomorrow starts week 3 of training, so far I'm pretty happy with how it's all been going. And even more happy to see I'm averaging around 10 minute miles. I'll take it. :)
Posted by
4:29 PM